Lau E.Y., Cragg A., Small S.S., Butcher, K., Hohl, C.M. (2024) Characterizing and Comparing Adverse Drug Events Documented in 2 Spontaneous Reporting Systems in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada: Retrospective Observational Study. JMIR Hum Factors
Cragg A., Small S., Lau., E.Y., Rowe, A., Lau, A., Butcher, K., Hohl C.M. (2023) Sharing adverse drug event reports between hospitals and community pharmacists to inform re-dispensing: An analysis of reports and process outcomes. Drug Safety.
Lau E.Y., Small S., Butcher K., Cragg A., Loh G.W., Shalansky S., Hohl C.M. (2023) An external facilitation intervention to increase uptake of an adverse drug event reporting intervention. Frontiers Public Health
Hau J.P., Brasher P.M.A., Cragg A., Small S., Wickham M., Hohl C.M. (2021) Using ActionADE to create information continuity to reduce re-exposures to harmful medications: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials.
Chan E., Small S., Wickham M., Cheng V., Balka E., Hohl C.M. (2021) The Utility of different data standards to document adverse drug event symptoms and diagnoses: mixed methods study. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Small, S.S., Hohl, C.M., Balka, E. (2021) Patient perspectives on health data privacy and implications for adverse drug event documentation and communication: qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Woo S., Cragg A., Wickham M.E., Villanyi D., Scheuermeyer F., Hau J.P., Hohl C.M. (2020) Preventable adverse drug events: descriptive epidemiology. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Kitchen, S.A., McGrail, K., Wickham, M.E., Law, M.R., Hohl, C.M. (2020) Emergency department-based medication review on outpatient health services utilization: interrupted time series. BMC Health Services Research.
Hohl C.M., Woo S.A., Cragg A., Wickham M.E., Ackerley C., Scheuermeyer F., Villanyi D. (2019) Repeat adverse drug events associated with outpatient medications: a descriptive analysis of 3 observational studies in British Columbia, Canada. CMAJ Open.
Small, S.S., Hohl, C.M., Balka, E. (2019) Organizational implications of implementing a new adverse drug event reporting system for care providers and integrating it with provincial health information systems. Healthcare Management Forum.
Woo S.A., Cragg A., Wickham M.E., Peddie D., Balka E., Scheuermeyer F., Villanyi D., Hohl C.M. (2018) Methods for evaluating adverse drug event preventability in emergency department patients. BMC Medical Research Methodology.
Balka, E., Peddie, D., Small, S.S., Ackerley, C., Trimble, J., & Hohl, C.M. (2018). Barriers to scaling up participatory design interventions in health IT: A case study: Short Paper. In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2018 (PDC’ 18). Hasselt & Genk, Belgium, August 20-24, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Peddie, D., Small, S.S., Badke, K., Bailey, C., Balka, E., Hohl, C.M. (2018). Adverse drug event reporting from clinical care: Mixed-methods analysis for a minimum required dataset. JMIR Medical Informatics.
Hohl C.M., Badke K., Zhao A., Wickham M.E., Woo S.A., Sivilotti M.L.A, Perry J.J. (2018) Prospective validation of clinical criteria to identify emergency department patients at high risk for adverse drug events. Academic Emergency Medicine. 25(9):1015-1026.
Hohl, C.M., Small, S.S., Peddie, D., Badke, K., Bailey, C., Balka, E. (2018). Why clinicians don’t report adverse drug events: A qualitative study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.
Hohl, C.M., Partovi, N., Ghement, I., Wickham, M.E., McGrail, K., Reddekopp, L.N., & Sobolev, B. (2017). Impact of early in-hospital medication review by clinical pharmacists on health services utilization. PLOS One.
Small, S.S., Peddie, D., Ackerley, C.A., Hohl, C.M., & Balka, E. (2017). Patient experiences with informational discontinuity of care: Bridging the gaps. Proceedings from the 7th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH2017). Lund, Sweden: September 18-20, 2017.
Small, S.S., Peddie, D., Ackerley, C.A., Hohl, C.M., & Balka, E. (2017). Patient perceptions about data sharing and privacy: Insights from ActionADE. Proceedings from Context Sensitive Health Informatics 2017. Hong Kong: August 18-19, 2017.
Peddie D., Small S., Wickham M., Bailey C., Hohl C.M. and Balka E. (2017). Designing novel health ICTs to support work, not generate it: Five principles. Proceedings of Information Technology and Communications in Health 2017, Victoria, 2017.
Peddie D., Small S., Ackerley C., Bailey C., Wickham M., Hohl, C.M., Balka, E. (2017). Action ADE: enabling cross-setting communication to prevent adverse drug events. Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
Stockton, K.R., Wickham, M.E., Lai, S., Badke, K., Dahri, K., Villanyi, D., Ho, V., & Hohl, C.M. (2017). Incidence of clinically relevant medication errors in the era of electronically prepopulated medication reconciliation forms: A retrospective chart review. CMAJ Open.
Chruscicki, A., Badke, K., Peddie, D., Small, S., Balka, E., & Hohl, C.M. (2016). Pilot-testing an adverse drug event reporting form prior to its implementation in an electronic health record. SpringerPlus.
Peddie, D., Small, S.S., Badke, K., Wickham. M.E., Bailey, C., Chruscicki, A., Ackerley, C., Balka, E., Hohl, C. M. (2016). Designing an adverse drug event reporting system to prevent unintentional reexposures to harmful drugs: study protocol for a multiple methods design. JMIR Research Protocols.
Hohl, C., Balka, E. & Ackerley, C. (2016). Technology to prevent adverse drug events. Quality Matters, 9(1), 32-27.
Bailey, C., Peddie, D., Wickam, M. E., Badke, K., Small, S., Doyle-Waters, M. M., Balka, E. & Hohl, C. (2016). Adverse drug event reporting systems: systematic review. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Hohl, C., Lexchin, J. R., & Balka, E. (2015). Can reporting of adverse drug reactions create safer systems while improving health data? CMAJ.
Hohl, C., McGrail K., & Sobolev, B.G. (2015). The effect of pharmacist-led medication review in high-risk emergency department patients: evaluation protocol of a quality improvement program. CMAJ Open.
Hohl, C., Karpov, A., Redekopp, L., & Staussberg, J. (2014). ICD-10 codes used to identify adverse drug events in administrative data: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Hohl, C., Garrison, S., Lang, E., Lexchin, J., Sobolev, B.G., Rowe, B. …Holland, R. (2013). The effect of early pharmacist-led medication review in acute care on health outcomes: a systematic review. PROSPERO.
Hohl, C., Kuramoto L, Rogula B, Yu E, & Sobolev B. (2013). Evaluating adverse drug event reporting in administrative data from emergency departments: a validation study. BMC Health Services Research, 13, 473.
Bailey, C., Lander, B., Balka, E., & Hohl, C. (2013). A systematic review of adverse drug event reporting systems. PROSPERO.
Hohl, C., De Lemos, J., & Abu-Laban, R. (2012). Emergency hospitalizations for adverse drug events. New England Journal of Medicine.
Hohl, C., Yu, E.S., Hunte, G., Brubacher, J.R., Hosseini, F., Argent, C., et al. (2012). Clinical decision rules to improve the detection of adverse drug events in emergency department patients. Academic Emergency Medicine.
Hohl, C. M., Nosyk, B., Kuramoto, L., Zed, P. J., Brubacher, J. R., Abu-Laban, R. B., et al. (2011). Outcomes of emergency department patients presenting with adverse drug events. Annals of Emergency Medicine.
Hohl, C., Abu-Laban, R.B., Zed, P.J., Brubacher, J., Tsai, G., Kretz P., et al. (2010). Patient-reported adverse drug related events to emergency department discharge prescriptions. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Hohl, C., Zed, P.J., Brubacher, J.R., Abu-Laban, R.B., Loewen, P.S., Purssell, R. (2010). Do emergency physicians attribute drug-related emergency department visits to medication-related problems? Annals of Emergency Medicine.
Hohl, C., Abu-Laban, R.B., Zed, P.J., Sobolev, B., Brubacher, J.R., Tsai, G., et al. (2009). Adherence with emergency department discharge prescriptions. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Zed, P. J., Abu-Laban, R. B., Balen, R. M., Loewen, P. S., Hohl, C. M., Brubacher, J. R., et al. (2008). Incidence, severity and preventability of medication-related visits to the emergency department: A prospective study. Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Hohl, C., Robitaille, C., Lord, V., Dankoff, J., Colacone, A., Pham, L., et al. (2005). Emergency physician recognition of adverse drug related events in elderly patients presenting to an emergency department. Academic Emergency Medicine.
Hohl, C. M., Dankoff, J., Colacone, A., & Afilalo, M. (2001). Polypharmacy, adverse drug-related events, and potential adverse drug interactions in elderly patients presenting to an emergency department. Annals of Emergency Medicine.
Cragg A., Small S., Lau., E.Y., Rowe, A., Lau, A., Butcher, K., Hohl C.M. (2023) Sharing adverse drug event reports between hospitals and community pharmacists to inform re-dispensing: An analysis of reports and process outcomes. Drug Safety.
Lau E.Y., Small S., Butcher K., Cragg A., Loh G.W., Shalansky S., Hohl C.M. (2023) An external facilitation intervention to increase uptake of an adverse drug event reporting intervention. Frontiers Public Health
Hau J.P., Brasher P.M.A., Cragg A., Small S., Wickham M., Hohl C.M. (2021) Using ActionADE to create information continuity to reduce re-exposures to harmful medications: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials.
Chan E., Small S., Wickham M., Cheng V., Balka E., Hohl C.M. (2021) The Utility of Different Data Standards to Document Adverse Drug Event Symptoms and Diagnoses: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Small, S.S., Hohl, C.M., Balka, E. (2021) Patient Perspectives on Health Data Privacy and Implications for Adverse Drug Event Documentation and Communication: Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research
Woo S., Cragg A., Wickham M.E., Villanyi D., Scheuermeyer F., Hau J.P., Hohl C.M. (2020) Preventable adverse drug events: Descriptive epidemiology. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Kitchen, S.A., McGrail, K., Wickham, M.E., Law, M.R., Hohl, C.M. (2020) Emergency department-based medication review on outpatient health services utilization: interrupted time series. BMC Health Services Research
Hohl C.M., Woo S.A., Cragg A., Wickham M.E., Ackerley C., Scheuermeyer F., Villanyi D. (2019) Repeat adverse drug events associated with outpatient medications: a descriptive analysis of 3 observational studies in British Columbia, Canada. CMAJ Open.
Small, S.S., Hohl, C.M., Balka, E. (2019) Organizational implications of implementing a new adverse drug event reporting system for care providers and integrating it with provincial health information systems. Healthcare Management Forum