Randomized Controlled Trial


Randomized Controlled Trial

In 2018, we formed partnerships with BC’s Ministry of Health and Vancouver Coastal Health Authority to integrate ActionADE with PharmaNet to pilot-implement ActionADE. A CIHR-funded randomized controlled trial is currently assessing the impact of information exchange on downstream health services utilization in nine BC hospitals. Since the initiation of the trial, we have onboarded over 400 clinicians and documented over 4,000 ADE reports documented in ActionADE.

Preliminary Findings

  • One-third of patients who presents to the emergency department with an adverse drug event seek a re-dispensation of the same or a same-class medication as the one which previously caused harm, most within 2 weeks.

  • Monitoring of the trial, the intervention group shows that ActionADE preventative alerts in pharmacies are associated with preventing re-dispensations in 32.0% of patients.
